The Illinois River Watershed Partnership invites you to join us at the Annual Membership and Board Meeting, Special Sponsor and Volunteer Recognition Reception and announcement of the 2009 Golden Paddle Awards in agriculture, business, conservation, construction, government, and technical/research fields.
Tuesday, November 10
Arvest Ballpark Sam’s Club Community Room in Springdale
Hors d’oeuvres start at 5:30 pm
Thank you for your efforts and support of the mission of the Illinois River Watershed Partnership and continuing to partner with us to preserve, protect and restore the Illinois River Watershed.
Please RSVP to 479-238-4671 or by Tuesday, November 3.
November 5 Streambank Restoration Workshop, Springdale 9 am. to 3 pm.
To register for free riparian demonstration workshop, email
IRWP Streambank Restoration Workshop
The Workshop will be led by Bobby Hernandez, Region 6 USEPA Community Planner and Jon Fripp of Fort Worth,NRCS.
Workshop partners include the City of Springdale Tree City USA committee, the Arkansas Forestry Commission, the Arkansas Association of Conservation Districts, the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission (ANRC), Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS), and the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission
The workshop will cover several key areas of restoration including:
TECHNIQUES: Various streambank restoration techniques and successful technology and projects will be emphasized as well as unsuccessful restoration projects highlighted.
DEMONSTRATION: Demonstration of Jet Stinger technology will be used to plant willow cuttings along streambanks in the host city of Springdale, Arkansas.
IMPLEMENTATION: Implementation of low cost riparian and stormwater Best
Management Practices to improve water quality and reduce pollution in the Illinois River Watershed.